Sharing what I know
For a long time I have been sharing what I know about the process of photography and Photoshop.
I graduated from the Academy of Art University December 1998. Not long after James Wood, the director of the photography department, asked me to come and speak to his class about life after school. 16 years later I still do.
Almost every semester I pop by James’ class and share what I have learned about photography and becoming and succeeding as a photographer.
It was flattering to be asked to speak for a class I had taken myself and in the beginning probably the main reason for me doing these lectures. As I kept coming back for this twice yearly visit to my old class room I found this semi annual telling of what I had accomplished since school to be truly powerful in my own development. It became a way of taking inventory and reassessing my work and where it was going…
At times when I did not feel my career was going anywhere and I was doubting myself, my photography and career-choice these visits allowed me to see my efforts at becoming a photographer as a timeline. From this perspective I would always see that I was in fact taking better and better images and maturing at my craft. In this I always found renewed inspiration to keep at photography and elusive pursuit of better pictures.
What was me sharing and giving advice became at the same time the reassessment and evaluation of my own work that in many ways kept me going. What was me giving gave me the tool I needed to succeed…
And so my path to share my craft and process started.
16 years into it, having held lectures all across the US and creating online tutorials, I have to say I love the process of sharing what I know. It not only feels great to see how my story can inspire others, but it truly sharpens me and my craft as well.
It forces me to continually ask “why” I do what I do and brings great awareness to my own process and how to improve upon it.
I never set out to teach but it has been an interwoven parallel through out my photographic career, giving me just as much or more than I have shared.
My latest body of work follows the different stages of the breakup of my last relationship and the resetting my life.
The complete process of creating this series was documented by the guys at RGGEDU.
It’s me taking pictures and sharing my process put together into one.
A combination of me as photographer and teacher and I’m excited to announce the release of this tutorial in the next few weeks…
Below is a great behind the scenes look at the making of the tutorial and all that went into the project.
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