March 2016 | Erik Almas Photography

Beautifully shaken and stirred

In my 200+ days a year of travel I get to see and experience a lot of amazing places, but I have to say; I just had the adventure of a lifetime.


The place?






Its magic has to be experienced, as no words or pictures can quite describe it. That said, this is my blog so I guess I have to give it a try:

India is not a place you visit or see. India is a place you feel.

Arriving to India I entered into a world like no other, greeted by a complete sensory overload. The visual and auditory stimuli are overwhelming and at times uncomfortable, and it is in this discomfort India become so fascinating. It rips you out of the western mindset and comfort level and tosses you into a world of captivating contrasts that made me feel strangely alive…




To me, it is in these contrasts India is to be felt;

Its crowds can suffocate you but the people creating it have a great openness about them. The auditory chaos of traffic is relieved in the quiet presence felt in the old temple grounds and the history of the country.

The rituals of the lifecycle, celebrating both life and death, are one of the more powerful experiences I have been a part of. I witnessed the burning of bodies one minute and the most enchanting ceremonies honoring the elements of life the next.

It was all experiences that made me uncomfortable one minute and gave me life-affirming goose bumps the next.


Being in India is nothing short of a mythical jolt to the system, opening you up to life, and I hope this feeling of India stays with me. That I don’t just fall back into my western comforts but carry this sensation with me for a while…


Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Varanasi 6

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Varanasi 2

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Varanasi 1


Recently our travels through India came up in conversation. One of the guys I talked to mentioned something interesting; He said he never thought he would go back to India after his first visit, but after a few years there was something that pulled him back.

It has only been a month since we got back home, but the pull of India is already there. As I look through my images and relive some of the experiences I have to say; For emotional impact there is no place like India.


So I’m sure I will be back to this majestic and mythical country for jet another life affirming jolt to my senses and emotions…


Below are a very few of the vast amounts of images captured during our 3 weeks of travel.

India foursome

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India qutub minar

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India 3

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Varanasi 4

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Taj Mahal 3

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Taj Mahal 1
Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Kovalam_1

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Kovalam 2

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Humayan Tumb 2

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Fort Kochi 3

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Delhi 3


Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Delhi 5

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India 4

Erik Almas Advertsing and Editorial Photogarpher India Delhi 4




This experience I had travelling through India would not have happened, nor been the same, without my heart, Andrea Bogart.

I also want to give thanks to International Yoga and Andrea Marcum who traded photography with Yoga and took us along for a beautifully organized 2 week trip through 5 cities of India.



Lürzer’s Archive’s 200 best Ad photographers World Wide 2016/17

I’m excited to be included in Luerzer’s Archive 2016/2017 edition of the 200 Best Advertising Photographers Worldwide with 4 images.

Humbled to say this marks my 12th year in the company of extraordinary photographers.


Erik Almas Luerzers Archive 200 Best Advertising photographers WorldWide Johnnie Walker

Erik Almas Luerzers Archive 200 Best Advertising photographers WorldWide American Airlines

Erik Almas Luerzers Archive 200 Best Advertising photographers WorldWide Range Rover

Erik Almas Luerzers Archive 200 Best Advertising photographers WorldWide Car Crash


The images included are created for Johnnie Walker Whiskey, American Airlines, McCann Erickson and the last one being self assigned.

Having personal work represented among the high production value imagery as this collection is makes this even more special…


It was in April last year I decided to do a series of images describing the break up of a long relationship. RGG EDU came along documenting the whole creative process around it, so not only did I create some work I’m really proud of, but I got to share my complete process from inseption to finish in the form of a wicked well produced tutorial.

That this image gets to stand among the work representing the 200 Best Advertising Photographers in the world is such fun and an honor…


To celebrate we are, to those interested, giving a 75$ discount on the tutorial this images was a part of over the next week. Follow the link below and use the code 200BEST at checkout.

The Complete Guide To Composite Photography, Color, & Composition With Erik Almas