Starting from scratch…
I’m truly excited about this journey I’m embarking on visually. I have set my course and I’m heading out!
I have truly gotten a new sense of enthusiasm about taking pictures and I feel like a kid again in everything I do with the camera.
My first step is with a clean slate. Me and my subject. I say hi, we engage in conversation.
I ask, I listen.
As before I observe but this time I also offer up my own story. Instead of an interview trying to extract some response from my subject I share myself as well. I take pictures when they talk but also when they listen. There’s moments of very comfortable silence. I shoot more.
I don’t push too far. I don’t give too much. I feel great about my first portrait encounter…
This is not a new direction for me but a step on the way to connect and to include. A great exercise and experience.
Being curious. Opening up. Blending myself and subject.
I’ll do more of these and will take this first step with me….