July 2014 | Erik Almas Photography

The other images…

In the past 18months I have done a lot of images for American Airlines. 5 shoots building interiors of planes in different studios, one shoot at LAX and another 2 days shooting a brand new 777-200 while flying over California…

Out of this body of work came a series of studied images with a cool, modern color palette used for branding the new look of American.


Through this effort I shot a library consisting of thousands of images. Some of the photographs captured were truly random and somewhat unexpected for my style of image making.
I started looking at these off topic images and posting them on instagram whenever I got on a flight. Through posting on Instagram I got compelled to look at my own captures a bit differently.

The moment between the moment is a well know term in photography. It’s a strange saying as the moment between then becomes THE moment and a moment surely cant be between itself. (Now this lofty topic might be better pondered over a glass of vino…)
These between, off scope, images was shot as intuitive responses to what I saw. As I revisit these photographs they have grown on me and I’m really intrigued by what they contain versus the edited and retouched images for the branding.
There’s for sure a spontaneity and intimacy to these that are lost a bit on the classic view. Maybe a bit of honesty as well..

As I keep looking for that elusive “moment” in image making I’ll leave you with the below to check out. Me, I’m seeing a more random side to making that perfect image and grateful for another experience and opportunity to grow as a photographer.





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Seeing my work in Print

After my first commercial assignment some 14 years ago I could not wait to see the image in a magazine. I impatiently waited for 3 months for the ad to be published and on the day it arrived on the magazine stands I bought two of the same issue.
One of the magazines was Home & Garden and I still have a copy of that very issue tucked away somewhere. I don’t hold on to things but for some reason that felt like a milestone and I will probably keep that issue another 14 years…

As with all things new which then becomes familiar the excitement wears off.
It does not go away though and I still feel a great sense of accomplishment when I see my work displayed in public.
There’s quite a few of the campaigns I have been fortunate enough to be a part of that are running at the moment.

Below are the ones spotted..

In London The TV show 24 for SKY Television.


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In the same issue of Fast Company 2 ads for Don Julio Tequila and 2 ads done for Dassault Systemes.


Courage Spread

Revelation Spread


Credit Suisse spotted at JFK Airport in New York


American Airlines spotted on buses in New York, Boards in London and Buenos Aires


Trondheim Torg on Bus shelters in Norway.

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If you do see others please share!