Starting again
Why is it so that the New Year some how brings on a new beginning?
The tradition tells us that the sun turns, and with it, hopes for what is to come with the birth of another spring…
To me the holiday season is a very special time of year.
I moved from Norway 20 years ago. In this time the one constant connection to my family and friends in Norway is the time around Christmas and New Year.
It’s a time when I can lower my shoulders and truly relax. The only focus is being together and there’s no deadlines but for the one at dinner time.
This is when I recharge and again connect with who I truly am. I don’t expect or hold myself to anything and I, through this, allow myself to recharge and think about the things that truly matter…
So with this a new year takes shape for me and, after again connecting to my family and friends who most of the year is a worlds a way, I’m ready to take on new pictures, new beginnings and new endeavors.
That’s how, for me, it all begins again…
I wish you all one amazing 2015, coming into it with renewed energy and enthusiasm!
Absolutely agreed! Letting loose is a must at the holidays. THEN, it’s time to drive ahead with new projects. I’m kicking off my New Years buisiness goals with your workshop in SF. That’s, in my opinion, the ultimate way to get motivated to create the best imagery possible.