2010 Travel Recap
Spent the Holiday in Trondheim, Norway then off to Madrid for New years. From there to the Canary Islands back to Madrid to Barcelona to SF to Chicago to Greensborough to SF to Austin to SF to LA to SF to NY to SF to Trondheim, Larvik and Oslo, Norway. After being stuck underneath the ash cloud for a week back to SF to LA to SF to LA to SF to LA to SF to Lancaster to SF to Vancouver to SF to NY to Chicago to SF to Hawaii to SF for 5 days and back to Hawaii to SF to Greensboro to SF to NY to SF to LA to SF to Nashville to NY to SF to Denver to Minneapolis to Sterlling, Ill, to Minneapolis to Jackson, WY to SF to Detroit to Houston to Point Comfort, TX to Houston to SF to LA to SF to LA to SF to NY to SF to Bangkok and Koh Phi Phi, Thailand to Seychelles to Mauritius to Malta to Rome to Paris to SF to LA to SF to Vancouver to SF and I’m now on a plane to NY.
Travelling back to SF Saturday and then home to Trondheim, Norway on Tuesday for the holidays.
Can’t wait!
Sounds like quite the year…
Living in Trondheim I can say, jeg gleder meg til å se utstillingen din her hjemme, drukner i bildene dine!