Krabi, Thailand
I’m both excited and humbled by the things I get to experience and be a part of when creating images for my clients.
We’re in Thailand shooting.
The place is just amazing.
There’s beaches and water set among rock pods beautifully erecting themselves out of the water. I found myself between them looking up wondering what it would be like looking down…
I’m no climber but the next day, today, I find myself with a pit in my stomach and a harness around my waist looking down. Back down, looking up, I’m amazed about the places my camera takes me.
And yes, IT takes me.
Without it I wouldn’t dive out of planes or into underwater caves. With it I go wherever the best picture is….
Today it gave me another great experience I’m truly grateful for. Hanging off a cliff shooting pictures while the climbing guide tells me in broken english; No hands, no worry….
Big thanks to Matthew Turley for shooting me shooting.
You’re work is AMAZING! I’ve been a big fan of yours since your work was introduced to me when I started school at AAU. I really enjoy your set up shots. It’s always fun to see behind the scenes! Thanks for sharing! Your passion shows in your work that we all get to enjoy!
nice erik. nice piece to read… 🙂 and great shot of you in action!
Sounds like you are falling in love with your camera .. Nice to hear that you are happy again with your trip in Thailand, when will you leave our land of smiles?
Hey Erik, this is an awesome vantage point. I am a commercial photography student at Ohio University, and one of my most successful shoots was at the New River Gorge, WV, where I was suspended on a fixed line about 95 feet up, shooting a talented climber, Brent Perkins. If you have the time, I would love for you to check out some of the photos here on my flickr page:
You are a new found inspiration in my photography; you have the “cahones” to get the shot you want. I aspire to soon work with talent like you. Great work, I’ll be following your blog in the future.
Leave it to Turley to strap himself to the side of the mountain to “get the shot”
really like posts about Krabi. Great nice to find something about Krabi really worth reading, it is not everyday that one find any sort of good post about the Thailand cool city of Krabi so… ;).
Hi there fellow blogger! I’m a newbie to the blogosphere but I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your blog here about thailand december, it kept me reading all the way to the end… And then I went and searched for some more posts after that. 🙂 Keep up the good work, I’m always looking to learn more about Thai Culture, especially.
HI Erik. I’ve been on that exact rock, where you are shooting Ralei west. Did you climb up through the cave via PraNang Beach? Amazing place indeed. I go there every year to soak up the beauty. See you in October at ASMP Oregon. Cheers