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The National Portrait gallery, London

I could not be prouder!!

Every year the National Portrait Gallery in London puts on a competition called the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize.

I knew I got included in the exhibit but got a big surprise when walking into the Portrait Gallery yesterday. There on the wall, representing the gallery show, was my image.

If in London between November 14 and February 9 please swing by the NPG and check it out.

I’ll be there, proud one of my images will be hanging next to some of the best portrait work ever done….


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My grandma’s 80th birthday

My grandma turned 80 yesterday!
It was one amazing night with 94 guests for dinner.

Both of photographic curiosity and as a present to my grandma I wanted to do portraits of all the guests as they arrived.
Here’s a few of my favorites…





New Personal Work

Nepal. One morning prior to the sun coming up…